10 Mei 2010
PENDANT - RM595.00
FLASK - RM625.00
WATCH - RM968.00
AIR dan Manusia adalah dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan, dimana 70% tubuh manusia terbentuk daripada unsur air. Apabila tubuh kita kekurangan cairan maka kesehatan kita akan terganggu. Air murni adalah air yang terdiri atas molekul H2O dan memliki tingkat keasaman PH 7,0 dimana jenis air ini sangat dibutuhkan manusia. Sayangnya air murni ini (Air Heksogonal) sangat sulit didapatkan dimuka bumi ini karena rusaknya ekosistem alam oleh manusia sendiri. Dengan kemajuan teknologi Quantum Science kita bisa memperoleh kembali Air Heksagonal dengan mudah sekali yaitu hanya dengan cara menempelkan Kalung Quantum ini pada permukaan botol air/gelas (tidak harus dicelupkan) dalam kurun waktu +/-15 menit saja, jadilah Air Heksagonal. Beberapa jenis penyakit yang berhubungan dengan sirkulasi pembuluh darah dan inti sel bisa diatasi dengan memakai Kalung Kuantum ini tanpa adanya efek samping sama sekali. MANFAAT MENGUNAKAN KALUNG QUANTUM INI DIANTARANYA : - Menurunkan tingkat peradangan. - Meningkatkan anti penggumpalan sel. - Membasmi virus dan bakteri. - Memerangi dan mencegah sel kanker aktif. - Memperbaiki fokus dan konsentrasi. - Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh dan endokrin - Membantu melindungi DNA dari kerusakan. - Meningkatkan penyerapan nutrisi. - Menunda proses penuaan. - Memperbaharui jaringan sel yang mati. - Meningkatkan kandungan oksigen dalam darah dan detokfikasi. - Mencegah gelombang elektromagnetik yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan. - Mengurangi ketegangan sistem syarat dan meningkatkan kekuatan fisik. Dengan menggunakan Kalung Kuantum untuk sekian waktu bisa membantu proses penyembuhan berbagai penyakit seperti : Lemah Janjung (Weak Heart) Penyakit Kulit (Skin Diseases) Mudah Capek (Chronic Fatique Syndrome) Sakit Punggung ( Back Pain) Sakit Otot (Muscle Pain) Sakit Sendi (Joint Pain) Depresi (Depression) Athritis (Athritis) Rambut Rontok (Hair Loss) Encok/Sengal (Gout) KurangTenaga (Low Energy) Sakit Tulang (Skeletal Pain) Ketagihan Merokok (Cigarrette Addiction) Ketagihan Alcohol (Alcohol Addiction) Insomnia (Insomnia) Stroke (Stroke) Asma (Athma) Eszecma (Eszecma) Masalah Kesuburan (Fertility) Sinus (Sinus) Katarak (Cataract) Impotensi (Impotent) Kanker (Cancer) Prostat (Prostate) TESTIMONI PELANGGAN, Datin Hjh Che Barni Bt Hj Mohd Noor, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Wednesday, 04 March 2009 11:36 I wish to share a personal experience about how the FusionExcel Quantum Pendant has helped to Change My Life. In July 2006, while holidaying in Langkawi, I was struck with an unidentifiable sickness. From being able to walk, I was suddenly bedridden overnight. The pain was so excruciating that I cried every time I move even a tiny bit. I was transferred by ambulance to Alor Setar General Hospital and was hospitalized for two weeks. From the MRI they discovered there were damages to my Lumber 3,4 and 5 and as well as to my Sacrum 1. Many doctors advised me to accept the worst, that I will be confined to a wheelchair. I refuse to accept that fate and began my therapy for about three months. Even then I still can't walk more than five steps without having to grap hold onto something for support. I cried with every walk because of the severe pain. Since the disease also affected my nervous system, my left leg could not function normally. My left leg get confusing signals that at times it felt pricking pains or numbness and at other times it gets severe pain. I could not sleep at night because my whole body was in pain. I met someone in KL selling the FusionExcel Quantum Pendant. I was skeptical about the pendant initially but I have nothing to lose but to try anything. Strangely enough, as if it is a miracle, after continuously wearing the Quantum Pendant, the pain begins to subside especially on my left leg. I am able to get good night sleep again, something which I was deprived of for several months. Recently I was even able to travel overseas to Cairo, Alexandria, Dubai and Abu Dhabi with ease. As a Muslim, I believe Allah will help me to find a cure as long as I never give up but to strive for a cure. Now I am so thankful that I am able to get back my NORMAL LIFE again. Some of the doctors are even amazed & curious at my speedy recovery. My blood pressure is normal again and I feel energetic. I go to office as usual and DO NOT feel anymore pain in my leg especially when the air conditioner is on compare to the pain I get when the room is cold without wearing the Quantum Pendant. I believe the Quantum Pendant has contributed & assisted me much to get my Normal Life back again. Thank you FusionExcel for the amazing Life Changing & Saving product!